Chief Executive Officer

Kate Fragkaki

Kate Fragkaki is a Global Business Developer, mentor and CEO of Change Ambassadors.

Kate was born and raised in Athens Greece until the age of 12. Her parents both Nigerian (Ijebu’s), decided to send her to the United Kingdom to ensure she received the best education possible as at the time Greece was going throughcrises and they struggled to provide good education for the minorities.

As Greek is her first language, she faced challenges adapting to the new culturethat was introduced to her in school as she was used to writing all her assignments in the Greek language rather than in English. She found it verydifficult to ask for support from her teachers in school due to the communication barrier. However, she has always been determined to succeed inanything she does so she ensured she ran home after school everyday to learnhow to write in the English language on her own in order for her to get good grades.

For many years, she lived in deprived and dangerous areas across the United Kingdom at the time with aunties, grandparents and family friends. She lived in places like Woolwich, Mitcham and Brixton to name a few. She shared a 2 bedroom flat with 10 people. She always said to herself that she wasn’t going to allow her circumstances to determine who she was. So she ensured that she did well in 6th form (college) where she studied the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Greek Language & Sociology. She was also the Vice President of her 6th Form(college) where she led the student council on how to improve students 'learning and also things they could do to improve students' engagement in lessons.

After 6th form she decided not to further her educational career and ended up doing an apprenticeship with a top accountancy firm. When she completed herapprenticeship she was offered a job with a leading engineering firm. Shortly after she joined the Nxtion Famiy where she was introduced through leadershiphow not to become a stereotypical female who doesn't push boundaries. But how to become a trailblazer. She went on to further her education career to study International Business at the University of Westminster and graduated in 2020.She was then offered a role to work as an Account Developer for the leadingconsumer business platform in the world where she received an award in thefirst 6 months in the company due to her performance. Since 2020, she hasprogressed to being a Global business Developer for a leading tech company andnow currently is working for a top Financial Service company focus of trade andcurrencies heading up their Strategic Partnerships in Sales. During thepandemic, she was given the opportunity to lead a small group called Change Ambassadors by Pastor Tobi. At first, this platform was created to help those who needed extra support with food and necessities due to the pandemic butafter a close analysis of wealth disparity and lack of opportunity many young people face in Nigeria. As a leader in the Pulse (Heartbeat Group) and Nxtion Family, she understood that a strong community was needed for young people where they can receive financial support, mentorship and training opportunities to build the brightest and best minds globally who bring about change in theirrespective communities. 

Change ambassadors is overseen by her leader Pastor Tobi, in just over two years, the community has grown to over 350 volunteers and have helped over 5,000 people.The have affiliations with institutions such as the University of Ibadan and other respective associations. They recently received a special humanitarian award for the works they have been doing across Nigeria. Change Ambassadors iscurrently operating in the following countries: Nigeria, Qatar, Greece, United Kingdom and India.

Kate is a living example of how the principles of leadership and nation building, taught by Pastor Tobi can change the world. She has carried all his teachings outside of the four walls of the traditional church setting to influence youngpeople from all over the world and this is just the beginning. She is resilientand determined to impact people's lives the same way Pastor Tobi’s teachings have influenced her life.

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